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Do Your Bit 20/21- Events and Activities

  • Do Your Bit 21 11 2021
    November 25, 2020 CLASSROOM STEAM

    Do Your Bit 21 11 2021

    我們Oursteam團隊到新莊體育館,參加「2020新北STEAM生活月」系列活動之新北資訊教育成果展。 新北市教育局在新莊體育館舉辦了為期兩天的資訊教育成果展,今年的主題是「北極冰封半島」希望小學生們化身為極地守護者,以環境教育為發想主軸,響應世界地球日50周年以及聯合國永續發展目標,共籌備了六大主題,65個攤位和7條闖關路線。 今天在展場看到了很多國小有趣的專案,同榮國小OSMO Awbie的編程冒險之旅,青山國中小使用自製木頭編程積木,長坑國小使用micro:bit製作的跑馬燈招牌,後埔國小使用超音波感測進行音階創作,二橋國小使用micro:bit自製運動腰帶,大觀國小用micro:bit做投射靶,以及micro:bit結合的遙控船、小車等等,只能說新北市各國中小創意專案超級豐富多元,our steam教育精神一覽無遺! 新北市一直以來都非常重視數位學習風氣及資訊素養養成,藉由科技能力來提升學生的學習成效,當AI,ML時代的來臨時,科技應用能力是孩子未來的必備關鍵能力之一,但除了應用科技工具進行創新教學,我們更期待的是學生能夠善用所學的科技工具來解決生活實際問題,未來也非常期待大家從原有micro:bit V1版本功能,再加上近期推出V2版本的新功能,共同創造出更多元的台灣特色steam教學成果。 Inspiring Children in Taiwan with Micro:bit Educational Foundation #Doyourbit 

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  • Do Your Bit 2020/11/21
    November 25, 2020 CLASSROOM STEAM

    Do Your Bit 2020/11/21

    Since 1983, CLASSROOM has been committed to producing and developing the highest quality learning materials for schools. Today, with diverse services and added value products, CLASSROOM’s product and service portfolio includes publications for preschool, primary, and secondary students, preschool merchandises, magazine, eLearning platform and CLASSROOM CENTRE courses.

    Our mission is to provide innovative educational products and solutions which are content-rich in order to support active learning and promote children's progress in all developmental areas. We strive to help children and families work together to be their very best. We are committed to providing premium educational products and solutions for the public.
    With the rapid development of STEAM education around the world, we started to provide good quality of STEAM services, products and courses since 2015. We believe that “making, coding and tinkering” is the right track of the education nowadays. We understand schools’ needs and provide great added value supports with dedicated after sales service to teachers.


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