課室奪高分自學天書(Good guide)
課室小學快樂寫作手冊 (2022年最新修訂版)
CLASSROOM ChineseHK$120.00| /內容全面: 全書架構清晰,包含全面的寫作及修辭知識,便於學生查閱和學習 題材多元: 搜羅港澳題材,主題貼近學生生活,激發學習興趣 體裁豐富: 涵蓋記敍文、描寫文、說明文、議論文、實用文等體裁 範文指路: 提供近100篇範文,並設「文章解構」分析範文結構,「佳句列車」註明文中好句 文章修改: ...
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CLASSROOM Reading & Writing Booster
CLASSROOM EnglishHK$130.00| /* Clear and organised structure for self-learning* Structural analyses of reading and writing* A wide range of text types on various themes related...
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CLASSROOM EnglishHK$145.00| /Features The step-by-step approach with mini tasks guides students in creating writing pieces progressively Themes and text types are carefully ch...
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CLASSROOM Primary Good Grammar Guide (2020 Edition)
CLASSROOM EnglishHK$125.00| /Interesting characters, funny scenarios and daily life examples making grammar easy and enjoyable to learn. Detailed and clear grammar notes with e...
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CLASSROOM CENTER - 課室小學趣學讀寫24式
CLASSROOM ChineseHK$130.00| /此書打通了「閱讀」與「寫作」兩大範疇,一書便能學懂「閱讀策略」和「寫作方法」! 另設「基礎單元」,打好讀寫根基。配合螺旋式教學,讓學生學會舉一反三。而且體裁豐富,會根據常考讀寫難點,教授提分技巧。同時設有增值知識及溫習資料區域,使學生快速掌握所學!
HK$130.00| /Sale -
CLASSROOM Secondary Good Writing Guide
CLASSROOM EnglishHK$150.00| /- Topics familiar to students and applicable to the latest curriculum - Two levels of writing samples for each topic for easy comparison - Comprehe...
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CLASSROOM ChineseHK$145.00| /- 學習重點全面:學習重點根據學校課程編定,全面完備。 - 解說詳盡:以圖示、表列等多元方式解說學習要點,清晰易明。 - 範文豐富:提供大量上品範文,供參考閱讀。 - 寫作實踐:設互動寫作練習及自評表,方便自學自評。 - 推介名作:設「名家心得」及「名篇推介」欄目,鼓勵延伸閱讀。 - 附錄實用...
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CLASSROOM ChineseHK$150.00| /- 自學為主,同時提供教學輔助 - 策略導向,針對性改進寫作技巧 - 各家篇章,重溫問題特點 - 以錯誤範文作引入,逐步教導寫作步驟 - 應試錦囊,全面提升考試技巧 - 滲入文化元素,鞏固根基
HK$150.00| /Sale -
CLASSROOM Primary Good Writing Guide
CLASSROOM EnglishHK$124.00| /- Clear and organised structure for self-learning - Essential writing skills and grammar knowledge for good writing - Elements of creativity let yo...
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CLASSROOM Primary Good Vocabulary Guide
CLASSROOM EnglishHK$103.00| /- Both basic and advanced vocabulary included - Expand vocabulary through a variety of interesting exercises and games - Systematic presentation of...
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CLASSROOM ChineseHK$120.00| /- 簡單三個步驟, 輕鬆學會寫作 - 以生活化主題引入, 學習多種寫作技巧 - 寫作題目貼近校內試及公開試 - 搜羅港澳題材, 提供大量參考範文 - 提供豐富的多媒體教與學資源 - 適用於課堂教學或自學
HK$120.00| /Sale